Technology & Investigations

Technology has changed the nature and effectiveness of crime-scene processing and evidence collection in a number of ways. One of the most significant ways is by providing law enforcement with new tools and methods for collecting, processing, and analyzing evidence. DNA analysis, for example, is considered to be one of the biggest advancements in helping find criminals. Where this was once a time-consuming and expensive process that could only be performed by specialized laboratories, DNA technology has now evolved to make it possible to perform this type of analysis much more quickly and cheaply, making it a valuable tool for solving crimes.

Similarly, new computer software programs can be used to create three-dimensional models of crime scenes, which can help investigators visualize the scene and identify potential evidence. In addition, digital cameras and other imaging technologies can be used to capture crime-scene evidence in great detail, which can be helpful in identifying details that might otherwise be missed.

Technology has also made it possible for law enforcement to share information and resources more quickly and efficiently. For example, the use of police databases and sharing information between agencies can help investigators track down leads and solve crimes more quickly. In addition, online resources such as the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) can provide law enforcement with access to a wealth of information that can be used in the investigation of crimes.

Finally, technology has also changed the way in which crimes are committed. For example, the use of computers and the Internet has made it possible for criminals to commit crimes such as identity theft and fraud without ever leaving their homes. In addition, the use of sophisticated weapons and explosives has increased the potential for serious damage and injury during the commission of a crime.